Free Resume ROASTER

Don’t get auto-rejected. Keep your resume between 500 and 1000 words.

The ideal resume length is 500 words to 1000 words. No more and no less. If you do not keep your resume within those boundaries, then, it probably will not make it through the Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) and will end up in the trash.

So, here are our biggest tips for keeping your resume under 1000 words.

1. Don’t Use Creative Resume Formats

Creative resume formats are a nightmare for tracking the length of a resume due to all of the special characters. In fact, if you try using a creatively formatted resume with Free Resume Scanner and one without creative formatting, you’ll notice a considerable difference in the metrics returned.

Because the Free Resume Scanner mimics the online ATS resume scanners, your resume will inevitably go through.

So remember this. A plainer resume is most effective.

2. Use less or more filler words

Try removing unnecessary ‘the,’ ‘a’, and adjectives, and you’re guaranteed to free up some space on your resume. Alternatively, if you’re having trouble making your resume longer than 500 words, try adding them.

3. Only use your first name

Putting your full name on the resume is tempting, but we recommend against doing so. First, you’ll save precious characters and keep some of your internet privacy. Also, don’t put your mailing address, home street address, or e-mail address.

4. Use numbers instead of spelling them out

Although there are grammar rules around when to spell out a number and when to write one. You don’t want to stuff your resume with spelled-out numbers. Unless you’re trying to get over 500 words, go ahead and spell out numbers as much as you want. But remember, keeping them in a numeric form will make it easier for the ATS resume scanner to parse them, thus increasing your measurables score.

5. Trim your resume Introduction

A resume introduction can be removed if it keeps you from staying under 1000 words. Don’t worry. You can add keywords in other resume sections to compensate for the lost opportunity.


Thank you for reading. We at Free Resume Scanner hope the above tips will help you get past the online ats resume scanners used by most companies nowadays. Best of luck!